Jawa Timur
Lowongan Kerja
Lowongan Kerja PT. Siddharta Mandiri Surabaya

Lowongan Kerja PT. Siddharta Mandiri Surabaya

Loker Surabaya, Lowker Jawa Timur

Profil Singkat PT. Siddharta Mandiri Indonesia 

PT. Siddharta Mandiri Indonesia (PT.SMI) is owned by Amin Untario and Metta Obhasa who established the company in middle of 1999.

Start from very small capital and based on 1 Principal, PT. SMI has grown significantly and now PT.SMI is holding more than 10 good Principals.

PT.SMI has 2 Divisions , Rubber Division and Non Rubber Division.

Rubber Division is contributing around 90% of its turnover while Non Rubber Division still contribute around 10%.

After for 17 years going around in Rubber and Tyre Industry, our company now could exists very well in the market, especially in Tyre Manufacturer. Therefore now we are very closed relationship with tyre people, ie : PT. Elang Tyre, PT.Gajah Tunggal, PT.Multistrada, PT. Industri Karet Deli, etc.

This could be realized because of excellent cooperation between us- PT.SMI with our Principals/Suppliers.

Then, the market for Non Rubber Division is huge since Indonesia country has more than 200 million people.

This is a real big market for everyone.

At this moment total more than 35 employees are working under PT.SMI .

We have 4 light trucks and 1 heavy truck to deliver the goods to customers and 4 warehouses with space more than 1500 M2.


  • Become a business partner who prioritizes service quality and performance by competing well and fairly and growing in the future through sustainable human resources.


  • Provide the best service and quality to customers.
  • Provide maximum benefits for employees and shareholders.
  • Create a Good Corporate Governance (GCG) work environment.

Lowongan Kerja PT. Sidharta Mandiri

Posisi : Staff Administrasi umum

Estimasi Gaji : IDR 3.500.000 - IDR 4.500.000


  • BPJS Kesehatan
  • BPJS ketenagakerjaan
  • Insentif Kehadiran

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Kami PT. Siddharta Mandiri Indonesia merupakan perusahaan distribusi bahan-bahan kimia untuk berbagai industri.
  • Kami sedang membutuhkan Staff Administrasi umum.

Lowongan ini hanya diberikan kepada calon yang memenuhi kriteria seperti dibawah ini :


  • Bisa mengoperasikan Komputer ( microsoft office )
  • Memiliki pengetahuan dasar dasar administrasi
  • Melakukan penginputan data dan membuat laporan administratif.
  • Mengatur jadwal tukar faktur
  • Bertanggung jawab, Rapi,dan Teliti
  • Mampu bekerja dan berkomunikasi secara team dengan baik.


  • Pendidikan minimal SMA
  • Usia max.35 tahun
  • Pengalaman Minimal 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
  • Tegas, Jujur, Disiplin, bertanggung jawab dan mau bekerja keras
  • Komunikasi yang baik
  • Mampu bekerja dalam team dan individu
  • Diutamakan domisili surabaya
  • Penempatan di Surabaya

Keuntungan :

  • BPJS Kesehatan & Ketenagakerjaan
  • Insentif kehadiran
Gabung Grup Beranda Lowker :

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